A beginners guide to there best skin
It's undeniable that the human race have always been obsessed with beauty. Going back to ancient times beauty in some cultures defined your status. Overtime it has grown into a muti-billion dollar industry where women/men pay big dollars to enhance, improve or drastically change what they believe to be 'beautiful'. Trends have changed over time and they will continue to change but if there is one thing that remains the same its that both women and men want good skin.
Throughout my career I often hear clients expressing confusion on what they should do and where they should start regarding there appearance. Many consider injectables or going down the route of surgery because they aren't sure what else is available. If there is one thing I have learnt so far its that working on getting your skin to its healthiest state often eliminates the need for injectables or surgery. Those who are not professionals working in this industry don't realise just how much of an improvement you can make through treatment and products alone. So for all you beginners out there here are some simple steps for you to consider to kickstart your skin journey.
1. Find yourself a trusted and experienced skin aesthetician/beauty therapist/dermal therapist/cosmetic nurse. Qualifications aren't necessarily a reflection on how good they are so don't get too caught up in what they look like on paper - experience is key. Personality and passion are the 2 biggest things I look for when trusting somebodies advice. Personality will allow an enjoyable experience for you both and often form a mutual understanding if use work well together. Passion is the most important. Often very quick to pick up on, if you notice your therapist lacking initiative or interest in your concerns and they treat you like 'just another client' then its important you move on and find somebody who truly cares about meeting your concerns. Hint: follow your gut.
2. Book in for a skin assessment/consultation. Often ranging from 30-60 minutes, a skin consultation generally involves an in-depth discussion around your concerns/history/expectations. It is a good chance for you to ask your therapist anything you like and have your questions answered. Next they should take a closer look at your skin without makeup. Generally a magnifying lamp or skin tool will be used for clarity. Here your therapist will confirm or point out what they observe and then explain why its happening. A skin program should be created around your time schedule/budget/realistic expectations. Lets get one thing straight, there is no one hit wonder with treatment or creams, it all takes time so a skin program usually consists of 4-12 treatments either 2-6 weeks apart depending on your skin. A skin prescription should also be filled out by the therapist. It should include product recommendations for you to kickstart your skin journey.
3. Begin prepping your skin at home. If your skin barrier is impaired or is in a rough condition then over the course of 4-8 weeks it is important to prepare your skin using a prescribed skin solution at home before treatment. This ensures you will gain maximum benefit out of treatment and that your skin response is of a positive not negative (reactive) one. Common prepping agents include skin barrier repairing agents that are completely free from synthetics chemicals that serve no purpose for the skin.
4. Start your first treatment. Depending on the season and what your skin concerns are, there are many different types of treatments available. What you get done will be dependant on what your therapist chooses for you. Pre and post treatment care information should be explained and followed so you understand exactly what the treatment entails and how it will effect your skin. If you leave a treatment not knowing what you got done and why then this is a sign of unprofessionalism on your therapists behalf.
5. Stick to your program! You cannot expect miraculous results from 1 treatment and then expect to be done. Skin changes with time and its average cell turnover cycle is 28-30 days so you need to give it time to respond and change as your treatments progress. Remember you may have years and years of accumulated damage so realistically it can take 6-12 months to get your skin in its prime condition.
6. Be consistent with your products as they work as a maintenance tool for when you are not getting treatment. Don't get disheartened if you have the odd breakout or 'bad skin days'. Your skin will always be a reflection to the changes your body goes through. Hang in there and consult with your Therapist if your concerned about your regime.
Hope this blog has helped in some small way for you to take your first step in the right direction. To book in for our 60 minute Advanced Skin Analysis please reach out via our contact form.
Suzanne Murray